Worshipping and Serving
We celebrate Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays monthly, plus special times of the church year.
Our worship style is a blend of traditional and contemporary forms and music. To help us in this we use as our main resource the cranberry 'Evangelical Lutheran Worship' book, published in 2006.
The 'Band' usually leads worship one Sunday per month. Our next 'Worship with the Band': January 26, 2025.
Holy Communion is open to all the baptized, regardless of Christian background or age. A First Communion instruction session is held as desired. Call Pastor Matthew to register, 344-1926.
Thank you to our Choir for its 'Choir Christmas' worship on Sunday, December 15.
Quartet +
Thank you to the Quartet+ for the Sending Song on December 29. The Quartet+ sings about once a month at worship plus for other special occasions and worship. For more information, see Vi Peternelj, director.
Special Music
Would you like to enrich our Sunday service with a musical contribution? Contact Kaija Ranta. Thank you to Kaija Ranta and Artith Francis for the special music on January 12.
Sunday Prayers
There is a book in the front hall, next to the Martin Luther statue. In it you can write down prayer requests. You also can call Pastor Matthew with a prayer request. These will be added to the Prayers of the People, and used by the Prayer Chain, as we seek to more fully include the concerns of those in our community.
Prayer Chain
If you would like to sign up to be called to pray for those asking for our prayers, or if you have a prayer concern, contact Pastor Matthew. The Chain uses a private Group on Facebook to communicate the prayer concerns.
Private Communion
Private Communion is available. Please contact the Office at 344-1926 to arrange a time.
Lutheran Community Care Chapel Services
LCC coordinates Lutheran services at the Long Term Care homes. Pastor Matthew presides at two of them, with Vi Peternelj leading the music. All are welcome to attend, including as volunteers (contact Pastor Matthew for more information).
We gather from 10:30-11:00 a.m.: on the 1st Tues. of the month at Roseview, in the main floor gathering space
and, on the last Thurs. of the month at Hogarth Riverview, in the chapel past the main entrance .
Our Chimes
On Dec. 11, 2016 our Sunday School children unveiled the names of the 'bells', the bell-shaped external speakers for our chimes.
They are 'Glory, Joy, Love, Honour'.
Thank you to the children, the leaders, and all who offered suggestions for the names.
The bells first hung in the tower of Our Saviour's on Secord Street, donated in 1958 by Mr. Ogden. Since 1970 they have hung outside the choir loft window at our location on Farrand Street -- thanks to Jerry Laforme for installing them back then!
Witness and Service
We reach out with Christ's love through ministries which include:
'Our Saviour's Cares': We pray that we may serve the Lord and our congregation when and where we're needed. Examples of caring including prayers, visits, cards, meals, and phone calls. Contact the Office for more details.
Scouting: the 178th Thunder Bay Cub pack meets Mondays
A.A. meetings ("closed"), Mondays, 8:30 p.m., and Thursdays, 8 p.m.
Lutheran Community Care,
Current River Churches Food Cupboard (must pre-register by calling 211)
Gathering Table Anglican Food Bank
the Thunder Bay Food Bank
Mission to Seafarers
Dew Drop Inn
Basketeers - Faye Peterson and Beendigen
Inter-Church Refugee Committee
Student Union Food programs at Confederation College and Lakehead University
students in LINC classes at Our Saviour's
Luther Village Infrastructure Fund
'Culture Kitchen', Roots Commuunity Food Centre
Canadian Lutheran World Relief
Burundi, Ethiopia and South Sudan
Conflict and climatic events have contributed to an escalating hunger crisis in these countries, where hunger is having a devasting impact on families, and vunerable people are forced into negative coping strategies.
Women and girls have been particularly disadvantaged. Having already faced discrimination and gender-based violence, female-headed households run an even greater risk of food insecurity.
Thanks to your fast and generous reponse, and with the matching fund made possible by our partnership with the Candian Foodgrains Bank, we have already been able to take critical measures to help those most at risk of hunger.
In South Sudan, immediate food assistance is helping protect the most vulnerable from famine.
In Ethiopa, we will be working to help improve farming practices and to encourage climate resilience and sustainability among beneficiaries.
In Burundi, we are supporting Farmer Field Schools and Farmer Cooperatives, contributing to better food security form communities and encouraging sustainable practices to help families.
You can make a donation by marking ‘CLWR’ on a line of your offering envelope, or by visiting www.clwr.org .
KAIROS is the name of the Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives organization. Our national church is a founding partner. News is available at www.kairoscanada.org