Our Newsletter

The Ambassador

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church

Summer 2024

10 Farrand Street, Thunder Bay, ON P7A 3H5

Offices: 807-344-1926; Immanuel Hall/FAX: 807-343-4857

E-mail: osimm@tbaytel.net

Web: www.oursaviourstbay.org

Facebook: ‘Our Saviour’s Thunder Bay’

YouTube: ‘Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church of Thunder Bay’

Instagram: ‘OSLCTBay’

Pastor: Matthew H. Diegel (Parsonage: 807-344-6822)




Gathering at Hynna Camp

On Saturday, July 6, at 1:00 p.m., you are invited to meet at the Hynna camp, 15 Frowen Dr., on One Island Lake. We’ll have an afternoon of fun, food and fellowship! Hotdogs and buns will be provided, so bring salads, snacks or desserts with you, along with your own lawn chair. There is swimming and sauna for those souls brave enough to go in. Maps are available – call the office.

We gather each Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

Come and Worship

During the summer we will be celebrating Holy Communion on July 7, July 21, August 4, and September 15. The rest of the services will be Service of the Word. Worship with the Band will return after Labour Day.

   For Holy Communion, all are invited to come up the centre aisle to the foot of the chancel steps to receive the bread (bakers appreciated) and the wine/grape juice. Gluten-free wafers are available. After taking a glass, please go to the side and drink. There is a receptacle for used glasses as we go back to our seats via the side aisles. 

  If you are unable to come to the front, please tell the usher and the elements will be brought to you.  Those who do not receive Communion are welcome to come forward for a blessing.

  If watching online, when the presiding minister says, ‘The body and blood of Christ given and shed for you’, we welcome all to take and eat a piece of bread, and then to take a glass of wine or other beverage, remembering and giving thanks for the promises of grace, forgiveness, love, new life, and community given us in Christ Jesus.

   As we meet we record the services. They are uploaded later to our YouTube channel, ‘Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church of Thunder Bay’. Thank you, John Stadtlander and Brian Phillips!

    The bulletin, with links to videos of the songs, and with the text of the sermon, are e-mailed Saturday. Sign up: osimm@tbaytel.net. They also are posted on our website each Saturday:

www.oursaviourstbay.org .


'Eternity for Today'

Copies of the July – Sept. issue of our national church’s daily devotional booklet are in the front hall. Pick up one or more, or call the office to have one dropped off.

Fellowship Hour

We have Fellowship Hour each Sunday following worship, in Immanuel Hall. Birthdays are celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of the month!

To help with set-up or clean-up, volunteer at the kitchen.

The platform lift is available for those who cannot use the basement stairs.

Worship Assistants

For worship we have Greeters and Ushers, Readers, and Communion assistants. Please sign up in the front hall. You can check what positions need filling for the coming Sunday in the bulletin. Pastor Matthew is happy to offer an orientation. Thanks to those who helped in June.

We also need worship leaders for when Pastor Matthew takes vacation. Please see him for more information.


Sunday Readings

July 7 – Time after Pentecost

Ezekiel 2:1-5

Psalm 123

2 Corinthians 12:2-10

Mark 6:1-13

July 14 – Time after Pentecost

Amos 7:7-15

Psalm 85:8-13

Ephesians 1:3-14

Mark 6:14-29

July 21 – Time after Pentecost

Jeremiah 23:1-6

Psalm 23

Ephesians 2:11-22

Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

July 28 – Time after Pentecost

2 Kings 4:42-44

Psalm 145:10-18

Ephesians 3:14-21

John 6:1-21

August 4 – Time after Pentecost

Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15

Psalm 78:23-29

Ephesians 4:1-16

John 6:24-35

August 11 – Time after Pentecost

I Kings 19:1-8

Psalm 34:1-8

Ephesians 4:25-5:2

John 6:35, 41-51

August 18 – Time after Pentecost

Proverbs 9:1-6

Psalm 34:9-14

Ephesians 5:15-20

John 6:51-58

August 25 – Time after Pentecost

Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18

Psalm 34:15-22

Ephesians 6:10-20

John 6:56-69

September 1 – Time after Pentecost

Deuternomy 4:1-2, 6-9

Psalm 15

James 1:17-27

Mark 7:1-8, 23-26, 45b

September 8 – Time after Pentecost

Isaiah 35:4-7a

Psalm 146

James 2:1-10 [11-13] 14-17

Mark 7:24-37


Food Drive 

Food donations received in the wicker basket in the front hall are given to the Gathering Table’s food bank and to those in need. Thank you for your support! 


Children’s Ministry

   The Summer seasonal activity packet is available for pick-up or drop off. For the latter: osimm@tbaytel.net.

  Activity sheets for each Sunday are available in the front hall and are also emailed on Thursday. Sign up:

osimm@tbaytel.net . 

  There are Adventure activity bags under the mailboxes inside the entrance to the sanctuary, for children to enjoy during worship.

  Our in-person Sunday School classes are held twice monthly, on the first and third Sundays. We now are on summer break until after Labour Day. Thank you to Karen Bishop, our co-ordinator, for her leadership this past year.


Pass Lake 100th Anniversary Celebration

The 100th Anniversary Celebration Event and Luncheon will be held Sunday, August 25, hosted by The Pass Lake Historical Society: sold out.

A Dedication service will be held in the newly built Pass Lake Salem Lutheran Church on Hwy 587. Time to be determined.


Luther Village

The Luther Village Camp annual brochure for 2024 is available to help you create your family, child, grandchild or individual camping plans for this summer! Please pick one up at the church, or go online, www.luthervillage.ca, and see what’s happening during our synod’s 60th year of outdoor ministry on Dogtooth Lake near Kenora.


Plant, Bake, and Yard Sale

Thank you to all who donated to, helped out with, and/or shopped at our sale on June 8. Together we raised $2068.45 for present and future ministries of the congregation. Leftovers were given to Twice as Nice, Restore, and the Salvation Army.


‘Joseph’: Sat. June 8

“Thank you so much for having us letting us entertain your audience! We greatly appreciate your generous  hospitality. Thank you as well for providing a place for our choir to rest, as it is greatly needed. We hope you all enjoyed the show!  On behalf of the Jubilation choir, thank you!”

Carson Weiler (‘Joseph’)

Council Comments

Council met for its monthly meeting on June 11. In addition to news noted elsewhere,

-Linda and Pastor Matthew gave a report on the May synod convention. It was a very enjoyable, busy, informative, and renewing experience. Bishop Jason was re-elected on the first ballot for a second 6-year term. His keynote address was on ‘Renewed and Transformed’ – Linda is receiving copies of the group exercises, so that they can be used in council meetings and planning sessions.

-Council voted that the net costs associated with the June 8 ‘Joseph’ musical be funded from the Reserve Fund – thank you for all the extra donations to offset the hosting of the this event.

-There was much conversation about this wonderful musical, including about the performance and the youth. There was consensus that Our Saviour’s extend/accept an invitation to have them again. Thanks to all the volunteers!

-Planning continues on the Northwest Exit rebuild project. New options and estimates are being sought. Consideration is being given to having volunteers demolish the present exit, while employing others to build the new one. If there is a delay between the two phases, a temporary structure might be built.

-Council voted to accept the bid from Robyn’s Landscaping for completing stage 1 of the Memorial Committee’s landscaping proposal. Stage 1 focuses on the beds in front of the building, including removal of the cedar stumps. Stage 2 will rejuvenate the parking lot doorway area. Stage 3 would look at the areas on top of the retaining walls.

-Pastor Matthew shared an invitation from Hilldale’s Inclusivity taskforce. It is presently working on its congregation’s Welcome Statement, including to all persons regardless of sexual orientation. The taskforce is inviting persons from Our Saviour’s to sit on the committee and to attend education opportunities. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, see Pastor Matthew.

-Amendments to the congregation’s constitution and by-laws are necessary to bring it into harmony with new Ontario regulations. More work on this, including presenting to the members for a vote, will take place in the fall.

-Council’s next monthly meeting is Tues. Sept. 10, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Chair – Linda Sander 622-0604

Vice-Chair – Karen Bishop 344-0052

Secretary – Aritith Francis 345-3617

Treasurer – Vi Peternelj 344-8552


Life’s Journeys:


Emilia Posthumus,  June 25


Lillianne Bourget, Matthew Bourget, June 2


Nicole Setala and Diego Caballero Frias, June 12

Funerals/Memorials/Graveside services:

-Clark Johnson, June 6

-Alan Prien, June 7

-Theresia Wolsiffer, June 8

-Henk Vanweller, June 25

Memorial gifts:

In memory of Alan Prien, Theresia Wolsiffer


Local and Missions

Thank you so much for your offerings to the congregation in June. While thankful for your increased donations, council desires us all to be aware that  the regular weekly offerings (envelope and loose) continue to fall short of our budgeted goal. Our designated funds remain well funded: Forward In Mission, Building, and Cleaning. While council monitors expenses, please pray about, and help as you are able, to put us on a better financial foundation in the midst of the traditionally lean summer months. The Spirit gathers us to receive the gifts of God and to serve the world.

June Offerings:

$ 9,163.24

Budgeted Offerings Monthly:

$ 9,666.67

Monthly Offerings 2024:  

$ 50,129.24

Budgeted Offerings 2024:

$ 58,000.02


Forward in Mission

Received in 2024:  $ 1,765.00

2024 goal:         $ 2,500.00

Thank you for your gifts. Including last year’s allocated surplus, we continue to move closer to meeting our goal!

   Last month, we told how one of our designated community partners this year is the Dew Drop Inn. The others are the Thunder Bay Food Bank ($300), Current River Food Bank ($150), the ‘Gathering Table’ Food Cupboard ($200), and the Lutheran Community Care Street Reach ministries($500). 


Cleaning Fund

Received in 2024:        $ 1,640.00

Budgeted to date:        $ 1,800.00

Thank you for your ongoing gifts, which are enabling us to employ a part-time custodian to clean our building. Please designate offerings: ‘Cleaning Fund’.


Building Fund

Our donations help us have a dedicated reserve to maintain our property when the ‘unexpected’ happens. When planning indicates a major project is needed, a Congregational Meeting can set a goal for giving to the fund.

Balance, Jan. 1, 2024: $ 5,314.04

Received in 2024:        $ 1,240.00

Expenditures: In Feb. we needed to pay $2,440 for our annual maintenance agreement for our platform lift. Gifts to replenish the fund are appreciated.



Before or after worship you are able to share your offerings at the entrance to the sanctuary. Envelopes for Sunday and special offerings are available. For a bundle of envelopes for 2024 see Linda Sander or call the office.

Other ways to send your gift:

1.Mail envelopes to the church

10 Farrand St. Thunder Bay P7A 3H5

2.Drop envelopes off at church

You can drop off envelopes in the mailbox beside the parking lot doors. Calling is appreciated, so that the offering can be brought inside.

3.E-Transfer to


4.Pre-Authorized Withdrawal (PAR)

You are able to have offerings deposited from your financial institution to the church. You can designate it Weekly, Building, and/or Forward in Mission. New: You can desigate part of ‘Weekly’ for ‘Cleaning’. To sign up, or make updates, call the office.


“Renewed and Transformed”

Written for MNO Synod News

On convention Saturday, Bishop Jason engaged delegates and visitors in an informative and energetic discussion of the assembly’s theme. He noted that often in visits to congregations he has heard that things need to change in the church to help it escape the cloud of doom and gloom hovering over it. This is similar, in general, for all non-profit organizations in Canada.

  At the same time, Bishop Jason is sensing that God is at work in the church. This goes beyond our desire to repair things, preserving our institutions. Creator calls us to move on to being renewed and transformed. Rather than solutions based on one-word answers or quick fixes, this is a vision of the church as a work in progress, As in the parable of the vineyard in Isaiah, Creator continues to prepare us for renewal, to let life-giving faith take root, and to clear away that which does not promote growth. Change has never been easy. Yet, we are to be part of this work, trusting in the promises of the one who has made all things new through the Messiah.

 As part of this the church, the synod, congregations, and members need to ask questions of each other, and listen to the answers, negative and positive. As we do so, we rehearse our stories of what is important about our faith and listen to those stories from others. We learn about our values and those of our congregations, why we have them, and what we hold in common. This includes asking the question, repeatedly, ‘Why does the church, its health, and its future  matter to us?’  ‘Why?’ is Bishop Jason’s favorite question! Bishop Jason and synod staff are willing to collaborate with councils and congregations through this process.

 Our conversations and our answers bring us to the ‘non-negotiables’ of the ‘why’ of our core purpose, who we are. We become ready to take plan and take initiative. Why does it matter? It matters because in Jesus we have learnt God loves the world and continues to bring new life to it. Further, Creator wishes this good news to be shared through us and by us, in continuing and new ways. We seek Creator’s renewal and transformation to help us, and the church, to be part of this journey in these times.

 Pastor Matthew


Pastoral Visits

Pastor Matthew looks forward to making home visits, and going to Long Term Care homes. This includes sharing Holy Communion. Contact him at 807-344-1926, osimm@tbaytel.net.

   Pastor Matthew visits at the Regional Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph’s Hospital. As clergy no longer have access to the patient lists, it is vital that you contact him with info about who is a patient who would benefit from such care. 


New Bishops

All five synods have now held their conventions and assemblies. During their gatherings, they conducted the business of their synod, including the election of officers, councils, as well as delegates to next year's National Convention. In the case of four  synods, election of bishops were held:
Synod of Alberta and the Territories: Rev. Trish Schmermund.

Eastern Synod: Rev. Carla Blakley.

Saskatchewan Synod: Rev. Dr. Ali Tote.
MNO Synod: delegates re-elected Rev. Jason Zinko.

Rev. Kathy Martin is the current Bishop of the BC Synod. 


A Message from the National Bishop Susan Johnson

Grace to you and peace in the name of Jesus! I invite you to read our Annual Report, as we look back over the past year on the work that our church has accomplished together. Click here:


We continue to focus our work around four areas: striving to be a healthier church; seeking to cultivate effective partnerships; encouraging relational leadership; and leading with compassionate justice. It is in these ways we live out our vision: God’s grace and unconditional love calls us to be a diverse, inclusive community that celebrates all and upholds life-giving relationships. I’m excited that we are rolling out a new visual identity and tagline for use across our church. I think you’ll agree with me that the new identity is fresh and extremely meaningful. Together, let us commit to Living Out God’s Grace & Unconditional Love.

+Susan C. Johnson 


Summer Youth Event

Deacon Michelle Collins, Assistant to the Bishop, MNO Synod, is inviting all youth from Our Saviour’s, Hilldale, and Salem congregations to meet with her for a special gathering on Friday, August 23, at Hilldale.  More details will be available in August! 


Lawn Mowing

Thank you to Ken Boegh for setting up volunteers for cutting the lawns. If you would be willing to be on the ‘reserve’ list, please see Ken.


September ‘Ambassador’

Please have articles sent to the office by Mon. Sept. 9. Thank you.


Canadian Lutheran World Relief


Agriculture had long played an important role in Tigray, Ethiopia, by providing food and means of income for families and communities, but the war between 2020 and 2022 decimated the region. Attacks on civilians and their homes led to mass internal displacement. With no access to clean water, severe drought and farmers’ fields destroyed, millions of people suffered.

Thanks to your fast and generous response, female-headed households will be offered the protection of safe houses set up in the region. Programs will offer shelter and psycho-social support to women and girls who have experienced gender-based violence (GBV).

Cash will also be provided to help families purchase medication, food, and household items to address immediate needs. This cash support will also help women set up income generating activities such as small businesses, with livelihood training provided at the safe houses and the region.

Because of your kindness, families who have suffered in Tigray will have a better tomorrow. Thank you.

 To find out more about the work of CLWR, visit:


 To donate to CLWR for projects similar to this, visit:



Lutheran World Federation

Our Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is a member of the LWF. The LWF was founded in the wake of the Second World War, at a time when Lutheran churches aspired for greater fellowship and solidarity among themselves. It relies on four pillars:

The LWF has 150 member churches, including two associate member churches (AM), as well as ten recognized churches and congregations, and two recognized councils.

2023 Membership:

LWF Regions:

·        Africa 30,753,298

·        Asia 13,774,760

·        Central Eastern Europe 1,119,379

·        Central Western Europe 11,941,116

·        Nordic Countries 17,177,471

·        Latin America & the Caribbean 720,230

·        North America 2,944,857

·        Total 78,431,111

With 10 million LWF members, Germany is the country with the single largest number of Lutherans in Europe. The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus with 12 million members is the largest member church. Our ELCIC by comparison has about 93,000 members and is the largest Lutheran denomination in this country.